Sunday, July 22, 2012

Close Encounter at Devils Tower

This stop was one of the two highlights of the trip, for me.
We found 5 caches in the area, upping our Wyoming total.
 There is a similar formation at Double Head, in Queensland.  We've found a cache there.  We've also found a cache near a lava flow in the Canadian Rockies that made these columns.  But that was a flow, not a plug.  There's a feature in Yellowstone as well.
The last big rockfall was over 100 years ago.  We were glad there wasn't a rockfall today - there were climbers on the rock.
It was pretty hot.  Not too bad in Wyoming, maybe mid-90's.  But the car said 109 in the SD plains on the way home, and even through NE and KS it was 106.  This walk, though, had a nice (warm) breeze that felt good.  The trail is loaded with benches and convenient rocks to rest and enjoy the scenery.

Our close encounter was hearing a rattle and the squeak of a chipmunk as he became lunch for the rattler.

And prairie dogs!

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