Friday, July 30, 2010

The Trifecta

First of all, we haven't finished it yet.

Secondly, those mountains we saw from the plane yesterday were Mt. St. Helens and Mt. Rainier.

We started out this morning to find the A.P.E. cache. The parking lot had one car in it when we got there. We went up the Annette Lake trail at Snoqualmie Pass.

We didn't bring our llamas.

Pretty mountain stream. I bet the water was cold.

Gorgeous trail, but it was steep for a mile. Walking a mile or two in the Texas noontime heat is much easier. We budgeted for this, though, and rested a lot, and made it out just about on time.

Stunning views on the way to the cache made it easier.

We made it!

Ok, I'm tired. More tomorrow.

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