Sunday, August 09, 2009


I have two friends in the DC area. One of them used to live in Austin, the other I met online. I talk to them via email often. But the internet is a poor substitute for a great evening out.

We met Patricia and her friend for dinner. She works very near the conference hotel and it was easy to meet up. Dinner was fun. (You know what? Everything on this trip so far is fun, except possibly the strange guys on the metro. So just expect me to say that things were fun.)

The normal shot.

The fun shot.

The next day, I went to a couple of talks in the morning, then the boys picked me up and we went to the Museum of Natural History.

I think the kids are getting tired of museums.

The Hope Diamond.

There's GOLD in them thar display case.

Connor is shorter than an elephant leg.

Then we went to the other side of DC. We checked into a super fabulous Marriott Courtyard ($84/night, which is half as much as the conference hotel and twice as nice). My friend Jane met us there and had we hung out by the closed pool for a while until dinner. Then we took the scenic route through Greenbelt to the New Deal Cafe, a middle eastern restaurant. This is where Jane volunteers for the veggie co-op. People sign up to buy a box of veggies each week and she makes sure that they pick up the right stuff, etc. She switched with someone else so she could spend time with us. :) We had a delicious dinner and then it was open mike night! So naturally we stayed for I think three acts. Connor picked up a 5 year old and took her dancing. I have some great video that I'll show to his prom date in 10 years.


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