Saturday, June 07, 2008

Leaving Madison

Just a couple of pictures on the way out of town yesterday. We did go back and find the cache I couldn't find the day before. It was a terrific puzzle and a clever hide, and I'm very glad I found it.

Here is the hospital I was born in. Of course, 42 years later, it's a mega-conglomerate health care center, and this is just one wing of it.

We drove west. On the AAA central states map, it doesn't look very far to Minnesota. Turns out it's a couple of hours away, but that's ok. Grabbed a geocache there, it was on a nice trail in some woods. Great to stretch your legs at. Then turned south into Iowa. Somewhere along the way, we passed the Laura Ingalls Wilder museum and highway. There isn't much prairie left, it's all farms. Here are some Iowa cows having a good time.

The drive through SW WI and SE MN is just beautiful. The hills are round, rocky hemispheres, covered in deciduous trees and grasses. The road winds along the creek at the bottom of these hills. The land is glacier-formed.

1 comment:

Gwen in L.A. said...

I've never seen this part of the LUSH green grass :)

Thanks for sharing!

I'm enjoying it all--never have 'seen' much of my parents past.

Gwen in l.a.