Sunday, August 28, 2005

Anonymous posting enabled

I've made it so that you don't have to have a Blogger id to be able to write us a comment. (thanks, Dave) Let me know if it's not working and I'll try to fix it!!! I'm gradually getting to know the idiosyncracies of this thing...

No pictures this time. We left the farm this morning and are off to who knows where. Probably hunting thundereggs (look it up) a bit further north and then off to Carnarvon Gorge NP and a look at some aboriginal wall art.

Connor has just announced to the entire (very quiet) Armidale library that he hates getting changed. So it must be time to go.


Anonymous said...

Testing. Testing. Is this thing on?

Anonymous said...

Rich and Di,

I LOVE the pictures! They make me wonder if you'll ever come back...

I am really, REALLY missing Rich lately (you too Di). I've been spending lots of time on church and school computers. I know you tried hard to get the school staff to let us start earlier this summer, but that didn't work out so good.

Big news....Bill and I (and the kids) are moving to Minneapolis. You had better come back before we leave! I don't know when that will be yet, so just come home!

Love y'all,

Anonymous said...

Hello, glad you are having a good time, we haven't got the hang of blogger yet, not sure how to send this, but have a great trip.