Thursday, January 05, 2012


I'm in Cary on business. I thought about updating this blog with all of my business trips, so I looked at the photos I've been taking. I seriously thought they'd be mostly food, but they're not! There's drink as well.

We went out for dinner to a place with beer and pub food. Maybe it was a pub. They had Shiner longnecks and darts!

Annie beat me with a 2 point bullseye. It was open mike night later. We should have stayed. I would have loved singing Carmelita backed by these mushrooms.

For lunch, we were at An Restaurant. There I had to take a picture of my dessert. And the limeade! (freshly squeezed limes, simple syrup, and a shot of sprite. probably water too, I can't remember)

But there was also a beautiful rose on the table.

I will try never to leave home without my knitting again. I miss my Advent scarf!

I miss Richard and the boys too.