We spent a lot of time at Old Faithful and its geyser basin both days in the park. The first day we were there at suppertime, so didn't do the walk around. The second day we walked the walks to all the different geysers on the hill.

You wonder what part of the park you're in now...

A nasty little thunderstorm rained on us before the eruption. We didn't leave, reasoning that we'd get wet on the way back to the car anyway, and wouldn't see the eruption. The rain was cold.

The thunderstorm didn't last long and left us with a gorgeous double rainbow.

The requisite shot of Old Faithful. I'm adding the duration/interval dataset to my Model Building class.
Old Faithful was really amazing. It steams all the time, and then a couple of minutes before it erupts, it starts teasing with small jets of water. Cameras start clicking... Then it really erupts. It's not the tallest, or really the prettiest, but somehow it was the common favorite in our family.

The boys got erupting pens as a reward for staying on the boardwalk and not falling off and killing themselves. Three eruptions at once!