Lots of gorgeous, heart-stopping sights along this road. It was very difficult deciding which pictures to publish here, since there are so many good ones. We spent three days on the Road, a distance of about 400 km (maybe).

View from one of the first stops at a lighthouse. There are many old shipwreck memorials near the lighthouses on the Road, also many settler graves and artefact museums.

Our family at the official beginning of the Road. There's a geocache hidden somewhere nearby -- our first find in Aussie.

Upper falls on the way to another cache. This one took us hours to find, as it was a 2-cache series and we took wrong starts to both of them! This creek eventually empties into the ocean.
Otway FlyThe people at one of our motels recommended the Otway Fly Treetop Walk. The kids loved it (we did too). If you've ever played the computer game Myst, it was a lot like that. Walkways in trees, very high off the ground. If you're at all scared of heights, don't come here. The tea, coffee, and biscuits (cookies) after the walk were quite reviving! It was very cold the morning we visited, and began raining hard after we left. We timed it just right.

View from one ramp to another.

The tower. We climbed it.

Here's the proof. By the way, the best way to keep warm is layers. We're all wearing three.

Tree ferns.

The ground is far below our feet.

Safe on the ground again.
12 Apostles and other formationsA long, long time ago, the coastline extended out farther than it does now. Softer rock washed away, leaving formations. The most famous is called the 12 Apostles. Another is London Bridge, which used to be a landbridge, but fell down in 1990, with some tourists out on the ocean side. They were rescued by helicopter.
The weather here was cold and rainy with occasional sleet. Luckily, the roads were not icy.

The seas were very rough, and I have lots of pictures of large waves.

Another landbridge arch.

This picture captures the feel of the day -- cold, windy, rainy, but beautiful.